21st of October
Nice ass.. and the sculpture is good as well.. Susie outside the pretty hill village of Estellencs.
You can’t beat ripe fruit plucked from the tree when its still warm… these are persimmons or sharon fruit which we get picked when they are still bullet hard.
Sporting highlight of the holiday was a cricket match between Methlick (the Aberdeenshire village where Susie’s family come from and mostly live near) and the Mallorca Cricket Club. It was Sandy’s first ever game and he played very well, seen here after his ‘innings’ with big sis Beth. I also played but unfortunately have seriously damaged my shoulder bowling and am now deeply regretting it..
Cricket is usually played on grass, but being so high maintenance in desert climes the Mallorcans play on clay with artificial grass in the central square. You certainly didn’t want to be diving around saving fours on this stuff. Oh, Mallorca narrowly beat Methlick with Susie’s brother Jay top scoring with a swashbuckling 51.