1st of February

by susie on February 1st, 2018

‘A pinch and a punch on the first of the month’. Hello folks I’m well into my US tour and had a rest day in Santa Cruz where I snapped these friendly Amish folk watching the surfers. So far I’ve stayed healthy and had some great shows. Thanks so much to all the kind folks who have helped me on my way. As Sheldon would say “You’re good people, Leonard”. Im not finding it easy to keep up with my blog and facebook but I have some good snaps that I will post soon. Tonight is a wonderful gig at the Freight and Salvage in Berkely. I’ve been playing there since my days with the Old Blind Dogs and have some great pals there. The weather has been sublime but I have passed areas badly effected by recent fires and mudslides which has been very sobering. I have a busy spell coming up, but amongst great friends and great scenery so i’m looking forward to it all. All dates are on my website. best wishes to you all!

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