1st of October
We took some good folks to the Braemar Highland Games back in September. Here the Queen (in dark red to the left of the caber) watches a big man in a skirt throwing a telegraph pole around. The Queen has a rather austere castle a few miles away at Balmoral and always attends the games as it falls within the Windsor family’s annual Scottish holiday. September is the best huntin’, shooting’, fishin’ month and the heather is usually still ‘sweetly blooming’. It is a wonderful spectacle with plenty too see, but one feels that most are really there too see her..
These guys certainly are. They spent the whole time with their bucket-wide cameras trained on the royals looking for the slightest facial twitch or expression. Put me right off being a royal.. I have a clip of a wonderful pipe band marching past which I can’t load it on here but it will be on my Facebook page.